Kensington Hospital Come Full Circle in Workplace Wellness

As we begin to regain some sense of normality in the community, so too does Kensington Hospital as they become fully operational again.

Active Workplace Kensington Hospital has been showing great resilience with staff being supported from a distance. This is achieved by prioritizing mental health, collaborating through tools such as Trello and supporting staff with stress relief and coping strategies. Links to an employee’s assistance programme for external staff support have also been provided.

Kensington Hospital’s wellness journey began over a year ago, when management made wellness one of their priority streams.  This led to the creation of their wellness committee to front the initiative.

Beginning with the powerful question ‘what do staff value in workplace wellness? the committee listened to the answers given by staff and were guided to produce sustainable initiatives in a variety of areas.

Popular initiatives included skin and melanoma checks, bio impedance health checks, discounted gym memberships/trial classes, involvement in both the Ray White Hatea Loop Challenge and StepTember, plus healthy kai alternatives.  

Kensington Hospital has now come full circle as the team head into a sustainable model of wellness and hitting graduation. The wellness committee (as pictured) was a driving force with members such as Esther Jones always going the extra mile.

Staff survey results show that 82% of staff participated in the wellness initiatives resulting in increased activity levels, participation in challenges and a 59% improving mental wellbeing. Staff say they have more knowledge and awareness in this area to support one another, which is great.

This is what some of the staff have to say in regard to their wellness over a year on…

“I live as healthy as possible, just restrained by time, but I love the workplace offering opportunities in health.”

“As a member of the committee I saw great benefit and heard great feedback.”

“It shows appreciation and care for staff.”

“Good to feel staff wellness is important.”

If your workplace would like support to develop a wellness plan, get in touch with our Active Workplace Coordinator here at Sport Northland, Sharon or 027 776 7010.

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